Thursday, August 20, 2009

Information R/evolution

In my search for library related media I came across an unfamiliar term "mediated culture" used by Dr Michael Wesch, he lectures on cultural anthropology and digital ethnography at Kansas State University. His research addresses how our society and culture are affected by social media and digital technology, it is very relevant to what we are experiencing in the library world.

The video was designed as a "conversation starter" to engage his students with respect to new technologies and their useage in our daily lives. In 2008, Dr Wesch won the award of "U.S. Professor of the Year".

In his words "it explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information."

MLIS in pictures

Flickr: Search Alastair Smith's photostream

Found these photos on Alastair Smith's Flickr site of the MLIS Auckland Orientation Day 2009. It seems so long ago.