Thursday, August 20, 2009

Information R/evolution

In my search for library related media I came across an unfamiliar term "mediated culture" used by Dr Michael Wesch, he lectures on cultural anthropology and digital ethnography at Kansas State University. His research addresses how our society and culture are affected by social media and digital technology, it is very relevant to what we are experiencing in the library world.

The video was designed as a "conversation starter" to engage his students with respect to new technologies and their useage in our daily lives. In 2008, Dr Wesch won the award of "U.S. Professor of the Year".

In his words "it explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information."


  1. I really enjoyed the video - I thought it was a really good way to visually represent the difficulties in organising digital information. It's very relevant to current records management issues of adapting "complex heirarchies" designed for physical organisation to the born-digital information world. I took a quick look at Dr. Wesch's digital ethnography (new term to me) website, interesting stuff.

  2. Actually it's Lynn commenting...
    I agree with Jennifer and yourself that this is a really good little video explaining very clearly the amazing information revolution of the last 30 years. It's not surprising that Dr Michael Wesch has won an award for "U.S. Professor of the Year". I liked the way he demonstrated that the slightly anarchic and chaotic nature of the new ways of creating and retrieving information challenge all of us to "get ready". Hopefully that's what we're doing!

  3. I really enjoy this video. It shows how information formats have been changed dramatically. The amazing thing is it shows all the progress how ICTs changes the format of information.

    The characteristics of information are:
    •It is a thing.
    •It has a logical place.
    •Where it can be found still.
    •It still difficult to find.

    Although information could either in print format or digital format, I think the characteristics of the information by given in the video still stand. The characteristics of information are valid for both print information and digital information.

    I also quite like the idea that we are not only find information but also make information. This makes me believe that it is more and more important to make, organize, manage and evaluate information.
